原创作者: bulain
认证体系由AuthenticationManager负责,授权体系由AccessDecisionManager负责,RunAsManager 是作为用户身份转换的手段。AfterInvocationManager留下了一个接口,可以扩展默认的授权体系,可以做一些其他额外的工作。
首先进行认证,authenticated = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication());
其次进行授权,this.accessDecisionManager.decide(authenticated, object, attr);
做其他扩展,returnedObject = afterInvocationManager.decide(token.getAuthentication(), token.getSecureObject(),token.getAttr(), returnedObject);
认证体系的核心为AuthenticationManager,他的方法authenticate(Authentication authentication)负责所有的认证。在acegi中,由具体类ProviderManager来进行认证过程。
授权体系的核心为授权管理器(AccessDecisionManager),它的方法decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config)进行具体的授权动作。
这三个授权投票实现类中 acl 又最复杂。他会委托给acl管理器(AclManager)来做具体的授权工作。
AclManager只有一个实现类AclProviderManager ,负责提供acl授权实体。
public abstract class AbstractSecurityInterceptor implements InitializingBean, ApplicationEventPublisherAware, MessageSourceAware { private AccessDecisionManager accessDecisionManager; private AfterInvocationManager afterInvocationManager; private ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher; private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager; protected MessageSourceAccessor messages = AcegiMessageSource.getAccessor(); private RunAsManager runAsManager = new NullRunAsManager(); private boolean alwaysReauthenticate = false; private boolean rejectPublicInvocations = false; private boolean validateConfigAttributes = true; ......... protected Object afterInvocation(InterceptorStatusToken token, Object returnedObject) { ............ SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(token.getAuthentication()); ............ if (afterInvocationManager != null) { returnedObject = afterInvocationManager.decide(token.getAuthentication(), token.getSecureObject(),token.getAttr(), returnedObject); } ............ } protected InterceptorStatusToken beforeInvocation(Object object) { ............ authenticated = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()); ............ this.accessDecisionManager.decide(authenticated, object, attr); ............ Authentication runAs = this.runAsManager.buildRunAs(authenticated, object, attr); if (runAs == null) { ............ return new InterceptorStatusToken(authenticated, false, attr, object); } else { ............ SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(runAs); return new InterceptorStatusToken(authenticated, true, attr, object); } ............ } } public class FilterSecurityInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor implements Filter { public void invoke(FilterInvocation fi) throws IOException, ServletException { if ((fi.getRequest() != null) && (fi.getRequest().getAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED) != null) && observeOncePerRequest) { fi.getChain().doFilter(fi.getRequest(), fi.getResponse()); } else { if (fi.getRequest() != null) { fi.getRequest().setAttribute(FILTER_APPLIED, Boolean.TRUE); } InterceptorStatusToken token = super.beforeInvocation(fi); try { fi.getChain().doFilter(fi.getRequest(), fi.getResponse()); } finally { super.afterInvocation(token, null); } } } ............ } public class MethodSecurityInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor implements MethodInterceptor { public Object invoke(MethodInvocation mi) throws Throwable { Object result = null; InterceptorStatusToken token = super.beforeInvocation(mi); try { result = mi.proceed(); } finally { result = super.afterInvocation(token, result); } return result; } ............ } public class AspectJSecurityInterceptor extends AbstractSecurityInterceptor { public Object invoke(JoinPoint jp, AspectJCallback advisorProceed) { Object result = null; InterceptorStatusToken token = super.beforeInvocation(jp); try { result = advisorProceed.proceedWithObject(); } finally { result = super.afterInvocation(token, result); } return result; } ............ }
认证体系由AuthenticationManager负责,授权体系由AccessDecisionManager负责,RunAsManager 是作为用户身份转换的手段。AfterInvocationManager留下了一个接口,可以扩展默认的授权体系,可以做一些其他额外的工作。
首先进行认证,authenticated = this.authenticationManager.authenticate(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication());
其次进行授权,this.accessDecisionManager.decide(authenticated, object, attr);
做其他扩展,returnedObject = afterInvocationManager.decide(token.getAuthentication(), token.getSecureObject(),token.getAttr(), returnedObject);
认证体系的核心为AuthenticationManager,他的方法authenticate(Authentication authentication)负责所有的认证。在acegi中,由具体类ProviderManager来进行认证过程。
public interface AuthenticationManager { public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException; } public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationManager implements AuthenticationManager{ public final Authentication authenticate(Authentication authRequest) throws AuthenticationException { try { Authentication authResult = doAuthentication(authRequest); copyDetails(authRequest, authResult); return authResult; } catch (AuthenticationException e) { e.setAuthentication(authRequest); throw e; } } private void copyDetails(Authentication source, Authentication dest) { if ((dest instanceof AbstractAuthenticationToken) && (dest.getDetails() == null)) { AbstractAuthenticationToken token = (AbstractAuthenticationToken) dest; token.setDetails(source.getDetails()); } } protected abstract Authentication doAuthentication(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException; ......... } public class ProviderManager extends AbstractAuthenticationManager implements InitializingBean, ApplicationEventPublisherAware, MessageSourceAware { private List providers; ............ public Authentication doAuthentication(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { ......... Iterator iter = providers.iterator(); ............ while (iter.hasNext()) { ............. AuthenticationProvider provider = (AuthenticationProvider) iter.next(); ......... result = provider.authenticate(authentication); ............ } ............ } ......... }
public interface AuthenticationProvider { public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException; public boolean supports(Class authentication); }
授权体系的核心为授权管理器(AccessDecisionManager),它的方法decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config)进行具体的授权动作。
public interface AccessDecisionManager { public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) throws AccessDeniedException, InsufficientAuthenticationException; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute); public boolean supports(Class clazz); } public abstract class AbstractAccessDecisionManager implements AccessDecisionManager, InitializingBean, MessageSourceAware { private List decisionVoters; protected MessageSourceAccessor messages = AcegiMessageSource.getAccessor(); private boolean allowIfAllAbstainDecisions = false; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { Iterator iter = this.decisionVoters.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AccessDecisionVoter voter = (AccessDecisionVoter) iter.next(); if (voter.supports(attribute)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean supports(Class clazz) { Iterator iter = this.decisionVoters.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AccessDecisionVoter voter = (AccessDecisionVoter) iter.next(); if (!voter.supports(clazz)) { return false; } } return true; } .............. } public class AffirmativeBased extends AbstractAccessDecisionManager { public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) throws AccessDeniedException { Iterator iter = this.getDecisionVoters().iterator(); int deny = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { AccessDecisionVoter voter = (AccessDecisionVoter) iter.next(); int result = voter.vote(authentication, object, config); switch (result) { case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_GRANTED: return; case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED: deny++; break; default: break; } } if (deny > 0) { throw new AccessDeniedException(messages.getMessage("AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied", "Access is denied")); } // To get this far, every AccessDecisionVoter abstained checkAllowIfAllAbstainDecisions(); } .............. } public class ConsensusBased extends AbstractAccessDecisionManager { public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) throws AccessDeniedException { Iterator iter = this.getDecisionVoters().iterator(); int grant = 0; int deny = 0; int abstain = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { AccessDecisionVoter voter = (AccessDecisionVoter) iter.next(); int result = voter.vote(authentication, object, config); switch (result) { case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_GRANTED: grant++; break; case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED: deny++; break; default: abstain++; break; } } if (grant > deny) { return; } if (deny > grant) { throw new AccessDeniedException(messages.getMessage("AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied", "Access is denied")); } if ((grant == deny) && (grant != 0)) { if (this.allowIfEqualGrantedDeniedDecisions) { return; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException(messages.getMessage("AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied", "Access is denied")); } } // To get this far, every AccessDecisionVoter abstained checkAllowIfAllAbstainDecisions(); } .............. } public class UnanimousBased extends AbstractAccessDecisionManager { public void decide(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) throws AccessDeniedException { int grant = 0; int abstain = 0; Iterator configIter = config.getConfigAttributes(); while (configIter.hasNext()) { ConfigAttributeDefinition thisDef = new ConfigAttributeDefinition(); thisDef.addConfigAttribute((ConfigAttribute) configIter.next()); Iterator voters = this.getDecisionVoters().iterator(); while (voters.hasNext()) { AccessDecisionVoter voter = (AccessDecisionVoter) voters.next(); int result = voter.vote(authentication, object, thisDef); switch (result) { case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_GRANTED: grant++; break; case AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED: throw new AccessDeniedException(messages.getMessage("AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied", "Access is denied")); default: abstain++; break; } } } // To get this far, there were no deny votes if (grant > 0) { return; } // To get this far, every AccessDecisionVoter abstained checkAllowIfAllAbstainDecisions(); } .............. }
public interface AccessDecisionVoter { public static final int ACCESS_GRANTED = 1; public static final int ACCESS_ABSTAIN = 0; public static final int ACCESS_DENIED = -1; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute); public boolean supports(Class clazz); public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config); } public abstract class AbstractAclVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter { public boolean supports(Class clazz) { if (MethodInvocation.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return true; } else if (JoinPoint.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return true; } else { return false; } } ............ } public class BasicAclEntryVoter extends AbstractAclVoter implements InitializingBean { private AclManager aclManager; private String internalMethod; private String processConfigAttribute; private int[] requirePermission; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { if ((attribute.getAttribute() != null) && attribute.getAttribute().startsWith(getProcessConfigAttribute())) { return true; } else { return false; } } public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) { Iterator iter = config.getConfigAttributes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ConfigAttribute attr = (ConfigAttribute) iter.next(); if (this.supports(attr)) { // Need to make an access decision on this invocation // Attempt to locate the domain object instance to process Object domainObject = getDomainObjectInstance(object); // If domain object is null, vote to abstain if (domainObject == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Voting to abstain - domainObject is null"); } return AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_ABSTAIN; } // Evaluate if we are required to use an inner domain object if ((internalMethod != null) && !"".equals(internalMethod)) { try { Class clazz = domainObject.getClass(); Method method = clazz.getMethod(internalMethod, new Class[] {}); domainObject = method.invoke(domainObject, new Object[] {}); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { throw new AuthorizationServiceException("Object of class '" + domainObject.getClass() + "' does not provide the requested internalMethod: " + internalMethod); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("IllegalAccessException", iae); if (iae.getCause() != null) { logger.debug("Cause: " + iae.getCause().getMessage(), iae.getCause()); } } throw new AuthorizationServiceException("Problem invoking internalMethod: " + internalMethod + " for object: " + domainObject); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("InvocationTargetException", ite); if (ite.getCause() != null) { logger.debug("Cause: " + ite.getCause().getMessage(), ite.getCause()); } } throw new AuthorizationServiceException("Problem invoking internalMethod: " + internalMethod + " for object: " + domainObject); } } // Obtain the ACLs applicable to the domain object AclEntry[] acls = aclManager.getAcls(domainObject, authentication); // If principal has no permissions for domain object, deny if ((acls == null) || (acls.length == 0)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Voting to deny access - no ACLs returned for this principal"); } return AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED; } // Principal has some permissions for domain object, check them for (int i = 0; i < acls.length; i++) { // Locate processable AclEntrys if (acls[i] instanceof BasicAclEntry) { BasicAclEntry processableAcl = (BasicAclEntry) acls[i]; // See if principal has any of the required permissions for (int y = 0; y < requirePermission.length; y++) { if (processableAcl.isPermitted(requirePermission[y])) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Voting to grant access"); } return AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_GRANTED; } } } } // No permissions match if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Voting to deny access - ACLs returned, but insufficient permissions for this principal"); } return AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_DENIED; } } return AccessDecisionVoter.ACCESS_ABSTAIN; } ............... } public class AuthenticatedVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter { public static final String IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY = "IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY"; public static final String IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED = "IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED"; public static final String IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY = "IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY"; private AuthenticationTrustResolver authenticationTrustResolver = new AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl(); private boolean isFullyAuthenticated(Authentication authentication) { return (!authenticationTrustResolver.isAnonymous(authentication) && !authenticationTrustResolver.isRememberMe(authentication)); } public void setAuthenticationTrustResolver(AuthenticationTrustResolver authenticationTrustResolver) { Assert.notNull(authenticationTrustResolver, "AuthenticationTrustResolver cannot be set to null"); this.authenticationTrustResolver = authenticationTrustResolver; } public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { if ((attribute.getAttribute() != null) && (IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY.equals(attribute.getAttribute()) || IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED.equals(attribute.getAttribute()) || IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY.equals(attribute.getAttribute()))) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean supports(Class clazz) { return true; } public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) { int result = ACCESS_ABSTAIN; Iterator iter = config.getConfigAttributes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ConfigAttribute attribute = (ConfigAttribute) iter.next(); if (this.supports(attribute)) { result = ACCESS_DENIED; if (IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY.equals(attribute.getAttribute())) { if (isFullyAuthenticated(authentication)) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } } if (IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED.equals(attribute.getAttribute())) { if (authenticationTrustResolver.isRememberMe(authentication) || isFullyAuthenticated(authentication)) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } } if (IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY.equals(attribute.getAttribute())) { if (authenticationTrustResolver.isAnonymous(authentication) || isFullyAuthenticated(authentication) || authenticationTrustResolver.isRememberMe(authentication)) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } } } } return result; } } public class RoleVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter { private String rolePrefix = "ROLE_"; public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { if ((attribute.getAttribute() != null) && attribute.getAttribute().startsWith(getRolePrefix())) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean supports(Class clazz) { return true; } public int vote(Authentication authentication, Object object, ConfigAttributeDefinition config) { int result = ACCESS_ABSTAIN; Iterator iter = config.getConfigAttributes(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ConfigAttribute attribute = (ConfigAttribute) iter.next(); if (this.supports(attribute)) { result = ACCESS_DENIED; for (int i = 0; i < authentication.getAuthorities().length; i++) { if (attribute.getAttribute().equals(authentication.getAuthorities()[i].getAuthority())) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } } } } return result; } }
这三个授权投票实现类中 acl 又最复杂。他会委托给acl管理器(AclManager)来做具体的授权工作。
AclManager只有一个实现类AclProviderManager ,负责提供acl授权实体。
public interface AclManager { public AclEntry[] getAcls(Object domainInstance); public AclEntry[] getAcls(Object domainInstance, Authentication authentication); } public class AclProviderManager implements AclManager, InitializingBean { public AclEntry[] getAcls(Object domainInstance) { Assert.notNull(domainInstance, "domainInstance is null - violating interface contract"); Iterator iter = providers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AclProvider provider = (AclProvider) iter.next(); if (provider.supports(domainInstance)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("ACL lookup using " + provider.getClass().getName()); } return provider.getAcls(domainInstance); } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No AclProvider found for " + domainInstance.toString()); } return null; } public AclEntry[] getAcls(Object domainInstance, Authentication authentication) { Assert.notNull(domainInstance, "domainInstance is null - violating interface contract"); Assert.notNull(authentication, "authentication is null - violating interface contract"); Iterator iter = providers.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AclProvider provider = (AclProvider) iter.next(); if (provider.supports(domainInstance)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("ACL lookup using " + provider.getClass().getName()); } return provider.getAcls(domainInstance, authentication); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Provider " + provider.toString() + " does not support " + domainInstance); } } } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("No AclProvider found for " + domainInstance.toString()); } return null; } ......... }
2 楼 xiangqian429 2010-04-20 15:29
1 楼 songfeibox 2009-06-18 11:24